
How To Chase Squirrels Away From Garden

Did you know that squirrels are not only nice-looking, but also pretty troublesome? They may be absolutely calm or get crazy, penetrate into your house or ruin your garden. As soon as they are in your yard, they start eating flowers, buds, plants and whatever they get to. Don't you think it's time to see how to get rid of squirrels that are in your yard?

The priority task is to stop them before they ruin your life. In fact, there is more than one method to be used soon after you notice the first damage. Keep in mind that there's no need to wait till the time they chew their way into the house.

How to Prevent Squirrels from Infesting Your Garden

Why have we started with the garden? The answer is pretty simple – this is their first location after penetrating into your property. Starting with the surroundings, you use the tricks to deal with any type of squirrels.

Do not handle wild squirrels, as their bites are very painful and the claws are too sharp.

So to prevent squirrels problems follow these tips:

  • Repellent to keep squirrel away Hot peppers. Plant them in soil beds, where the pests usually dig. This won't harm plants or soil but will cause a terrible sensation on the feet of the creatures, thus stopping them from digging. This is a perfect solution.
  • Minimize the chances. Your second task is minimizing the ease of penetrating into the territory from tree limbs. If you are taking care of a vegetable garden, make sure that there aren't any tree branches hanging over. If there are any, trim them. There is another benefit from this procedure – more sunlight to the garden.
  • Plastic mesh. Lay it over the locations where you have an intention to plants flowers. Plastic mesh works as a deterrent because it hurts to dig this type of area.
  • Reliable fencing. You are to make sure that the outside parameter is well-fenced. For this purpose, it is better to choose to fence with the smallest diameter of holes. Some people also choose mesh wire of plastic fencing that creatures can't climb onto as it hurts the paws.
  • Motion-sensor sprinklers. They are to be used early in the morning and later at night, as this is the time when squirrels usually feed on vegetables and fruits. The sprinkles should be very sensitive to start working as soon as the creatures enter the place.

Cover all holes in old fencing to seal entry points.

Another effective way worth mentioning is fumigation. They say this is the safest method of infestation control, and this is why it is used by those, who are figuring out how to scare squirrels away.

Before using it, read the label instructions and follow them with regard for safety factors as well as non-target species. FYI, most fumigants also produce flames, which is the main reason for fire danger. This is why we suggest not using this method in places with high risks of fires. For examples, dry grass, flammable materials, near buildings, etc.

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Repellents for Keeping Squirrels out of the Garden

Is it possible to keep squirrels away from your garden? The chances are high if you use different repellents. These are not only sprays, pellets and powders, but more profound variants like:

  • Squirrel exclusion collars. The collars are made of metal and are usually placed around trees, bird feeders, and poles. When the animal is climbing up the pole, it finds it impossible to climb past a smooth metal disk. It simply has nothing to grip or hoist itself up with. This solution works best with cable wires that are running right into the house. They should be covers with the collar in lengths of a PVC pipe. The pipe should be mobile on the line, so that when the animal steps on it, the pipe starts spinning and the pest simply falls off.

    When fitting the pieces of pipes on wires, wear gloves.

  • Bitter gels and topical applications. These are used in locations where squirrels are trying to chew their way through. These are less expensive alternatives, besides today it doesn't matter much which type you are about to choose, just read the instructions carefully. Most types of these repellents need re-application after an extended period of type.
  • Chemicals. Normally they are paper-based and can be advertised as seed-additives. There are also powder alternatives that rely on the use of predator urine for warding off the pests. Be sure they will never enter the territory that has a smell of the animal that could eat them. In fact, you can use the presence of a predator itself. If you have several cats or dogs, they can deter squirrels from infesting the location.

Actual Info!
No repellent is 100% effective in the process of squirrel elimination.
As it wears off over time, it must be reapplied periodically.

Dogs and cats adore playing with the animals that move all the time. You can keep squirrels away simply by letting your pets run after them.

Of course, the pet has no chance to catch the pest, but the fact of constant chasing will repel the animals.

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Lessons on how to Keep Squirrels away from Your House

When they are at your house, they cause great damage. They look for much bedding material and this is why they start shredding wood frame and insulation, chewing electrical wiring, chewing through PCV, causing a fire, water damage, and flooding. Frankly speaking, the damage is enough to file an insurance claim. However, in most cases, the insurance policy rarely covers any damage that was caused by rodents. So what should be done?

Keeping squirrels away often means letting them find the way out. Remove all your pets from the house where the creature is living or hiding. Close the doors and windows that lead to the location, keeping open those doors and windows that lead outside. Sooner or later they will find the way out.


Never use poison to kill the animals.

Why not? For two simple reasons:

  • the first one – it is inhumane, as it results in dying in the walls or attic of your house;
  • the second one – poisons usually don't work and this is just a waste of time.

The best ways to get rid of squirrels are:

  1. Live cage squirrels trap Live cage traps. They should be baited with peanut butter and nuts in the shell. The best way is to mount them on the roof/attic. According to the latest research, the unset trap should be bait for several days before catching. The animals will get used to the idea of getting tasty food from the bait, thus it'll be easier to catch them. The only recommendation is to choose a trap of an appropriate size, as there are variants that are too small to catch the animal or too big to keep it inside.
  2. Repeater traps. They are able to catch several squirrels at once, and this is the prime reason for their popularity. The traps should be mounted on the entrance/exit holes. To improve the chances to get the pest, make sure that all other exits are sealed, and there is only one left.
  3. One-way exclusion doors. These are placed on the entry or exit holes, letting the animals out of the house, but giving no chance for getting back inside ever again.

In order to eliminate these nasty creatures once and for all, you'd better consider several options at once. Don't expect fast or long-lasting results.

Why no fast results: there may be many squirrels in your house and coping with them quickly may be a problem because of their number.

Why no long-lasting results: as soon as there are no more repellents, dogs that can scare away or traps that can catch, squirrels will get back, which means that the preventing measures should be taken regularly.

Keep in mind that dealing with an infestation is always difficult, but usually, good begging determines the entire outcome.

You can find further details of Squirrels Control here.

How To Chase Squirrels Away From Garden


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